BCI NET Dec 94.iso
Assembly Source File
400 lines
* *
* This Trackloader was coded by Patrik Lundquist *
* *
* Version 1.0 *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1991-93 by SnurgelGmurf Soft *
* *
* *
* I coded this loader back in 1991 and fixed a bug in May `93. *
* The reason why I release this loader is that I'm tired of all *
* loaders that won't work on accelerated Amigas. *
* *
* The loader accepts blocks in the range of 0-1803 (cylinders 0-81). *
* I wouldn't recommend using cylinders 80-81 as it's not standard. *
* No error checking is done. It's quite easy to implement checksum check. *
* You can have this loader running outside your interrupts and *
* don't need to worry about it. You must have $dff000 in a5 when you *
* jump to Loader. Registers d0-7/a0-1 are modified in Loader. *
* *
* You may use this source partly or in whole in any way you want EXCEPT *
* for destructive purposes like viruses. *
* I would appreciate credits if you use it. *
* *
* This sourcecode may not be distributed for a profit. *
* *
* This sourcecode is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either *
* expressed or implied. By using this source you agree to accept the *
* entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program. I can NOT *
* be held liable for any damaged caused by this sourcecode. *
* *
* *
* You can reach me here: *
* *
* Internet: pi92plu@pt.hk-r.se *
* *
* IRC: Look for 'PatrikL' on #amiga channel. *
* *
Section Trackloader,Code
Opt c+,o+
SyncWord Equ $4489 Standard sync value.
AdkCon Equ $9500
Bsr.s Init Setup hardware registers.
Move.l #880,d0 Start block, 0-1803.
Moveq #88,d1 Number of blocks to read.
Lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address.
Bsr Loader
Moveq #0,d0 Start block, 0-1803.
Moveq #88,d1 Number of blocks to read.
Lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address.
Bsr Loader
Move.l #1600,d0 Start block, 0-1803.
Moveq #88,d1 Number of blocks to read.
Lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address.
Bsr Loader
Bsr Exit Restore hardware registers.
Init Lea $dff000,a5 customchip-base into a5
Move.b $bfde00,CIA_B Save tmr A Control reg
Move.w $2(a5),OldDMA save dma channels
Bset #7,OldDMA
Move.b $10(a5),OldADKCON save old ADKCON
Bset #7,OldADKCON
Move.w $1c(a5),oldintena save old interrupt enable
Bset #7,oldintena
Move.w $1e(a5),oldintreq save old interrupt request
Bset #7,oldintreq
Move.w #$7fff,d1
Move.w d1,$9a(a5) kill all interrupts
Move.w d1,$9c(a5)
Move.w d1,$96(a5)
Move.w #SyncWord,$7e(a5) DSKSYNC
Move.w #AdkCon,$9e(a5) ADKCON
Move.w #$8200,$96(a5)
Move.b #%01001100,$bfde00 Stop, one-shot mode.
Bsr.s SelDF0MotOn
Bsr GoToTrack00
Bsr SelDF0MotOff
Exit Move.w OldDMA(pc),$96(a5) Restore old dma.
Move.b CIA_B(pc),$bfde00 Restore tmr A Control reg.
Move.b OldADKCON(pc),$9e(a5)
Move.w oldintena(pc),$9a(a5) Restore old interrupt enable.
Move.w oldintreq(pc),$9c(a5)
Moveq #0,d0
SelDF0MotOn Or.b #$78,$bfd100 Set bits 3,4,5 and 6,
; deselect all drives.
Bclr #7,$bfd100 Switch on motor.
Bclr #3,$bfd100 Clear bit 3, DF0
* Control routine.
* Start block -> d0
* Number of blocks -> d1
* Destination address -> a0
Loader Tst.l d1
Beq ExitLR
Bmi ExitLR
Tst.l d0
Bmi ExitLR Boundary check.
Move.l d1,d2
Add.l d0,d2
Cmp.l #1804,d2
Bgt ExitLR
Bsr.s SelDF0MotOn
Divu #11,d0
Move.b d0,StartTrack
Move.l d0,d2
Swap d2
Move.b d2,StartSector
Add.b d2,d1
Divu #11,d1
Move.l d1,d2
Swap d2
Tst.b d2
Bne.s EqualTrack
Subq.b #1,d1
Move.b #11,d2
EqualTrack Move.b d1,Tracks
Move.b d2,EndSector
Move.b d0,d1 Start-track in d0.
Move.b Position(pc),d2
Lsr.b #1,d1
Lsr.b #1,d2
Cmp.b d1,d2
Beq.s RightCyl No need to move head.
Blt.s MoveHeadIn
Sub.b d1,d2 Moving head outwards.
Bsr MoveOutwards
Subq.b #1,d2
Beq.s RightCyl
Subq.b #1,d2
Ext.w d2
.MoveHeadOut Bsr MoveHead
Dbra d2,.MoveHeadOut
Bra.s RightCyl
MoveHeadIn Sub.b d2,d1 Moving head inwards.
Bsr MoveInwards
Subq.b #1,d1
Beq.s RightCyl
Subq.b #1,d1
Ext.w d1
.MoveHeadIn Bsr MoveHead
Dbra d1,.MoveHeadIn
RightCyl Btst #0,StartTrack Time to choose side.
Beq.s .LowerIt
Btst #2,$bfd100
Beq.s RightTrack
Bsr Upper
Bra.s RightTrack
.LowerIt Btst #2,$bfd100
Bne.s RightTrack
Bsr Lower
RightTrack Move.b StartSector(pc),d3 And now, the reading begins.
Move.b Tracks(pc),d2
Beq.s LastTrack
Moveq #11,d4
Bsr.s Read
NextTrack Moveq #0,d3
Btst #2,$bfd100
Bne.s NextSide
Bsr Lower
Btst #1,$bfd100
Bne.s .FirstMoveIn
Bsr MoveHead
Bra.s NextRead
.FirstMoveIn Bsr MoveInwards
Bra.s NextRead
NextSide Bsr Upper
NextRead Subq.b #1,d2
Beq.s LastTrack
Bsr.s Read
Bra.s NextTrack
LastTrack Move.b EndSector(pc),d4
Bsr.s Read
Bsr.s SelDF0MotOff
ExitLR Rts
SelDF0MotOff Or.b #$f8,$bfd100 Set bits 3,4,5,6 and 7,
Nop deselects all drives, motor off.
Bclr #3,$bfd100 Clear bit 3, select drive 0.
Read Btst #5,$bfe001 Await Disk ready.
Bne.s Read
Move.b #$91,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$29,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Bsr Timer
Move.w #2,$9c(a5) Clear Disk Intrequest.
Move.l #TrackBuffer,$20(a5) DSKPT, MFM-buffer.
Move.w #$8010,$96(a5) Disk DMA on.
Move.w #$4000,$24(a5) dsklen
Move.w #$9900,$24(a5) dsklen, read lenght.
Move.w #$9900,$24(a5) dsklen
.DMAwait Btst #1,$1f(a5) DMA transfer done when high.
Beq.s .DMAwait
Move.w #$4000,$24(a5)
Move.w #$0010,$96(a5) Disk DMA off.
* Destination address -> a0
* Start sector -> d3
* End sector -> d4
Decode Move.w #SyncWord,d5 Sync-word.
Move.l #$55555555,d7 %010101...
FindSector Lea TrackBuffer,a1 Move Buffer-address.
SyncSearch Cmp.w (a1)+,d5 Check for Sync-word.
Bne.s SyncSearch
Cmp.w (a1),d5 Another Sync-word?
Beq.s SyncSearch
Move.l (a1),d0
Move.l 4(a1),d1
And.l d7,d0
Asl.l #1,d0
And.l d7,d1
Or.l d1,d0
Ror.l #8,d0
Cmp.b d3,d0 Correct sector?
Beq.s SectorOK
Lea $43E(a1),a1 Add to next sector.
Bra.s SyncSearch
SectorOK Addq.b #1,d3
Lea $38(a1),a1 Skip InfoBytes.
Moveq #$7f,d6
DeCodeLoop Move.l $200(a1),d1
Move.l (a1)+,d0
And.l d7,d0
Asl.l #1,d0
And.l d7,d1
Or.l d1,d0
Move.l d0,(a0)+ Move to Load Address.
Dbra d6,DeCodeLoop
Cmp.b d4,d3
Bne.s FindSector
GoToTrack00 Btst #4,$bfe001 Track 00 when low.
Beq.s Pos00
Bsr.s MoveOutwards
TowardsTrack00 Btst #4,$bfe001 Track 00 when low.
Beq.s Pos00
Bclr #0,$bfd100 Move head.
Bset #0,$bfd100 Prepare to move head.
Move.b #$69,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$0e,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Bsr.s Timer 5.2ms
Bra.s TowardsTrack00
Pos00 Clr.b Position
Upper Bclr #2,$bfd100 Upper side.
Move.b #$47,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$00,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Bra.s Timer 100µs
Lower Bset #2,$bfd100 Lower side.
Move.b #$47,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$00,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Bra.s Timer 100µs
MoveOutwards Bset #1,$bfd100 Head direction outward.
Bclr #0,$bfd100 Move head.
Bset #0,$bfd100 Prepare to move head.
Move.b #$e1,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$31,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Move.b #-2,Direction
Add.b #-2,Position 18ms
Timer Move.b $bfdd00,d0 Await Timer ready.
Btst #0,d0
Beq.s Timer
Rts Rts
MoveInwards And.b #$fc,$bfd100 Clear bits 0 and 1,
Nop which results in diskdirec=inwards, head moved.
Bset #0,$bfd100 Prepare to move head.
Move.b #$e1,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$31,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Move.b #2,Direction
Addq.b #2,Position
Bra.s Timer 18ms
MoveHead Bclr #0,$bfd100 Move head.
Bset #0,$bfd100 Prepare to move head.
Move.b #$50,$bfd400 Timer A low.
Move.b #$08,$bfd500 Timer A hi, and starts timer.
Move.b Direction(pc),d0
Add.b d0,Position
Bra.s Timer 3ms
oldintena Ds.w 1
oldintreq Ds.w 1
OldDMA Ds.w 1
CIA_B Ds.b 1
OldADKCON Ds.b 1
Position Ds.b 1
Direction Ds.b 1
StartTrack Ds.b 1
StartSector Ds.b 1
Tracks Ds.b 1
EndSector Ds.b 1
Section Track,BSS_C
TrackBuffer Ds.w $1900 Room for one MFM-track.
Section Destination,BSS
DestBuffer Ds.b 512*88 This is for test purpose.
Operation: WaitTime: Timervalue:
Motor on 500ms, DSKRDY $56982
Diskside stable before reading 100µs $47
Diskside stable before writing 100µs $47
Diskside stable after writing 1.3ms $39A
Diskstep 3ms $850
Reverse diskstep 18ms $31E1
Settle time 15ms $2991
Track 00 signal low after step 2.2ms $619
Track 00 signal hi after step 1µs $1
Step after drive select 1µs $1
Direction select before step 1µs $1
Direction select after step 1µs $1
Keep low signal 1µs $1